

矿山的研究每天都在进行, 涉及各个学术水平的教师和学生, 而且经常包括全州的合作, 国家和世界.

南达科他州矿山 研究ers Use Lab Experiments to Show Volcanic Activity on Mars

亚历山大Rogaski, who completed his master’s degree at 南达科他州矿山 in geology, is shown here working in the lab that created a model of a fumarole under the surface of Mars.

Gokce K Ustunisik, Ph.D.他是北京大学的副教授 部门 南达科他州矿山地质与地质工程, and 亚历山大Rogaski, who completed his master’s degree at 矿山 under Ustunisik, have produced minerals found on Mars by experimentally mimicking the conditions 在火星的喷气孔或火山活动区发现的喷口中.

他们的工作, 发表在 的期刊 陨石学与行星科学, 表明这颗红色星球上正在发生火山活动. 科学家们 最近才发现 火星可能会 有活火山地区吗. 一个€œ两 ...

最后一次编辑 8/29/2023 02:46:40 PM [评论(0)]


赛迪Tornberg, who is completing her masters in atmospheric and environmental sciences at 南达科他州矿山, spent part of her summer in the backcountry of Montana and Idaho studying water quality on the Kootenai River. 研究 like this is one example of many that fall under the new Center for 可持续的解决方案 at 矿山.

南达科塔州 矿山 has created a new multidisciplinary Center for 可持续的解决方案. The center will be a hub for research and development around sustainability including water quality, emerging contaminants, agriculture, infrastructure, carbon 捕集、生物燃料、生物塑料、环境管理等等.

€œAs社会面临着越来越复杂的问题, providing sustainable solutions requires integrative partnerships and approaches that build convergence of many disciplines with research and support 对于各个层面的利益相关者, -丽莎·昆扎博士说.D.副教授 in the 部门 化学, Biology and 健康 Sciences and the director of 在矿山的新中心.

在成立之前的五年里 the Center for 可持续的解决方案, there have been nearly 50 faculty and researchers 来自校园八个系参与了这项工作. 一个€œ作为 institution of higher education, it is imperative to have many graduate and undergraduate students trained in the collaborative environment that the Center for 可持续的解决方案 provides while tying the innovative efforts to 支持人民的需求,”孔扎说.

该中心将有助于满足广泛的需求 合作伙伴,来自 协助 美国国防部(DoD) 在缓解新兴市场方面 ...

最后一次编辑 8/29/2023 08:57:58 PM [评论(0)]

New Studies Show Wildfire Smoke Could be a Stumbling Block for 太阳能 Generation

Dr. 赵龙和他的研究生, 阿姆阿里, are shown here on the campus of 南达科他州矿山 during their research examining the impact of wildfire smoke on solar energy generation.

野火烟雾可能会对地区产生重大影响 efficiency of solar panels and the overall effort to transition nation’s energy production from fossil fuels to more solar based systems, according to research 赵龙博士出版.D.的助理教授 电气工程 and 计算机科学 at 南达科他州矿山 and director 智能电网和能源研究实验室的主任 南达科他州矿山.

的工作,在过去的两年里进行的 wildfire smoke blanketed parts of the American West, shows that widespread smoke can reduce the output of individual solar panels by nearly 50% -- even on days when smoke is present at high altitudes and air quality near the ground is 没有明显的影响.

- œIt取决于你在哪里, -赵说. 它使 sense that solar energy production is negatively impacted on very smoky days, but Zhao’s team was surprised to see reductions in solar energy output when wildfire 烟雾在大气中上升得更高. €œThis使得量化天数变得更加困难 when smoke will impact solar energy production based on air quality monitoring 我们有相应的制度,”他说. 一个他 他的研究成果将发表在《菠菜台子集合》上 IEEE工业应用汇刊.

与过往的云不同,这会减少太阳能的产生 在短时间内,野火烟雾可以...

最后一次编辑 8/22/2023 02:20:54 PM [评论(0)]

ERDC researchers support the USA Luge team in quest for Olympic Gold

Dr. Austin Lines, a mechanical research engineer and ice friction researcher at the U.S. 军队 Engineer 研究 and Development Center’s Cold Regions 研究 and Engineering Laboratory (CRREL), slides down a luge track during an ice friction workshop held by USA Luge in Park City, 犹他州. 奥斯汀和博士. 艾米丽Asenath-Smith, CRREL的冰附着设施负责人, were invited to be a part of an interdisciplinary research and development team to develop approaches that decrease ice friction and increase speed for the luge team. (U.S. 陆军工程兵团(图片)

在冰上以每小时90英里的速度滑行对大多数人来说都是可怕的 但美国无舵雪橇队正在寻求美国政府的帮助.S. 军队 Engineer 研究 and Development Center (ERDC) along with academic and 行业领导者需要走得更快.

在这项运动的规则手册中,无舵雪橇被赋予了很多 工程上的余地来定制他们的雪橇和滑道. 他们有自己的 自己的技术团队来制造雪橇和运动员 routinely engage in the design/build process making luge not only a 技术的竞争也是技术的竞争.

It’s all about moving fast on ice, and as such, the team reached out to Dr. 艾米丽 Asenath-Smith, lead of the Ice Adhesion Facility at ERDC’s Cold Regions 研究 and Engineering Laboratory (CRREL).

“We first started discussions about high-speed ice friction research 大约六年前,”Asenath-Smith说. €œIce粘附和冰摩擦 都是界面现象. 它们本质上是冰与 材料,它们是非常相关的研究领域."

“CRREL has worked in this space for a number of years,â€� she added. €œThe陆军非常关心冰的摩擦 — whether they are pulling sleds in cold regions or driving vehicles across frozen ground.â€�

不幸的是, 当美国无舵雪橇公司第一次联系到Asenath-Smith时, 没有足够的时间来发展富有成效的合作.


最后一次编辑 8/29/2023 08:58:35 PM [评论(0)]




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